
Where we are

We are located in Burgos town of Salas de los Infantes approximately 54 km from Burgos city

Where do you come from?

  • From Madrid

    Take A1 to Aranda de Duero

    In Aranda, take C-111 direction to Salas de los Infantes, passing through Peñaranda de Duero and Huerta del Rey

    Once reached the N-234, follow Burgos direction to Salas de los Infantes (13 km)

  • From Burgos

    Take A1 to the junction of the N-234 (Sarracín, 8 km)

    Continue on the N-234 direction Soria to Salas de los Infantes (46 km)

  • From Soria

    Follow N-234 Burgos direction to Salas de los Infantes (approx. 90 km)

  • From Valladolid

    Take A62 direction Burgos

    When arriving to Burgos capital, take A1 direction Madrid to the junction of the N-234 (Sarracín, 8 km)

    Continue on the N-234 direction Soria to Salas de los Infantes (46 km)

Write us

If you wish to contact us for any questions or reservations, please send us an email or give us a phone call on the phone numbers you will find below

In order to confirm your reservation we would appreciate you to provide us a phone number in which we could get in touch with you

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